
Refresh your face with a peeling

Chemical peeling is one of the most widely-used skin refining techniques today. A chemical solution is applied to the skin and eventually it falls off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.  

There are various peelings of various strengths. The light peelings can address the superficial skin problems such as fine lines and superficial pigmentation. The deeper peelings can treat deeper lying problems such as scars and deep pigmentation. These deeper chemical peelings can also provide skin improvements whereby wrinkles are reduced and the skin becomes stronger.

Treatment areas

Chemical peelings are typically performed to improve the appearance of the skin of the face, neck or hands. Very often the fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth are treated. Also wrinkles caused by sun damage, aging and hereditary factors can be reduced or even eliminated with this procedure.

Mild scarring, striae and certain types of acne can as well be treated with chemical peels. In addition, pigmentation of the skin in the form of sun spots, age spots, splotching due to taking birth control pills and skin that is dull in texture and color may be improved with a peeling.

Side effects

After the treatment you will experience a reaction similar to sunburn in the treatment area. Depending on the type of peeling you also may experience:

– Redness, followed by scaling within three to seven days.

– Swelling.

– Chemical peel patients should avoid the sun following a procedure for 10 days and avoid sunbathing for 4 weeks. The new skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun.

